Obtaining Your Server Code

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To obtain the server code for your licenses, run the servecode executable from your MULTI installation. This is a command line program, so you’ll need to open a shell (on UNIX) or a command prompt (on Windows) and use it to navigate into the directory from which you plan to run MULTI or the license server.

  • If you plan to use Elan (legacy) licenses, run servecode -l to obtain the code.
  • If you plan to use GHS licenses, run servecode with the parameters according to the version of MULTI/Compiler you have installed:

MULTI 7 and earlier or Compiler v2018.1.4 and earlier, enter this command within the shell or command prompt:

 servecode -g -v

MULTI 8 and Compiler v2018.5.4 and later, enter this command within the shell or command prompt:

 servecode -v

The image below shows the redacted output of running 'servecode -v' in the MULTI 8.1.4 directory on Windows.